At the port of Djibouti, offloaded grain will feed much of eastern Africa. Just a few minutes outside the city, women wait at an offloading truck for a chance at some grain for their family. |
With a few variations, the same response of helplessness and hopelessness will be true for the poor in the west and in the rest of the world. If we pitch in to help without understanding, we can inadvertently deepen their distress in the process. Food may be needed, but real help might need to be that and something more, something substantially more.
The big mistake many from the developed world make is assuming we know what poor people on the other side of the world need.1
Helping without hurting: Before we start throwing help at a need, we might try to understand it. In Haiti after the earthquake, the immediate need was for rescue, food, medical aid, shelter. Once recovery is underway though, the need is for helping them in getting back on their feet and beginning to help themselves, governing themselves, rebuilding, and moving toward self-sufficiency.
Note that when the need is developmental, giving crisis or recovery aid misses the mark and encourages crippling dependency. Christmas in April folks repairing a family's roof while the young men of the household sit and watch is a good example of missing the mark.
Addressing developmental needs, a village might need a well or a library, or a farm might need a pair of goats, but most of all, folks need to be involved in helping themselves, making a difference, effecting change by their own efforts.
“We went into the heart of Africa self-invited — therein lies our fault,” Stanley confided to his diary.
Some efforts are ill conceived and poorly informed. For example ...
Wry African Humor, a resort operator and his friend...
- We have this great project where our guests buy a cow for the local women.
- Ah ha.
- Traditionally in Maasai culture it is the men who own the cows, and so this project empowers local women as they actually own the cow themselves and can earn money from the milk.
- I see.
- They are then able to buy things and pay for their children's school fees. It's very popular and we have already bought eight cows for the local women.
- Are you not adding to the problem of over-grazing in the area?
- No, because the cows previously belonged to the husbands.
- You think a husband would really give up the ownership of his cow?
- Yes.
- They're not just taking the money?
- No.
- But the women have always sold the milk as it would be humiliating for a Maasai man to do so.
- Um.
- And milk money is just that, it would never be enough for school fees. it's nearly always the men who pay them anyway.
- Yes, but our guests don't know that. Loving your neighbor. Effectively. It isn't a feeling. It's an act. It's what we do, not how we feel about it.
I was surprised to discover that much of what I thought I might do was unneeded. In many cases, folks just appreciated having a friend, and a little encouragement. |
Much like loving your own child, doing well by another requires thought and a measure of personal involvement. Feeding the hungry is right and good. Loving them effectively helps them tackle feeding themselves as well. A friend will stick around long enough to get an idea of what's going on and then lend a hand if he can. A friend will add that measure of encouragement, of affirmation that is so needed. As a guideline, you'll want to avoid doing for them what they can do for themselves.
People know what they need, and what seems like a good idea to us may be completely inappropriate for the culture, climate, or community norms. Since bad aid can actually be worse than no aid at all, it's really important to get it right.Having difficulty ...
seeing past the edges
of your luxurious lifestyle?
Me too.
It takes some effort. If you haven't realized how fortunate you are living in the developed world, try living for a day without electricity, without running water, without television, without your computer or the web, without a car, without a grocery store, without a regular job, without a washing machine, and without hope of changing things for your children unless someone else gives you a hand.
Imagine carrying all the water you use to the house in plastic jugs. Imagine living in a simple hut made from scrap lumber and packing crates. Now put a face to the children. Browse through the pictures here and imagine their prospects. You can make a difference for one family for whom these hardships are all they know.
So what are we going to do with what we know?
Tell the rich folks to quit being so full of themselves and so impressed with their own possessions, which are here today and gone tomorrow. It's not their merit that made them wealthy and others less so. Tell them to go after God who is generous to us all - and tell them to do good, to be rich in helping others, to be extravagantly generous. If they do that, they'll build a treasure that will last, gaining life that is truly life.
1 Timothy 6:17-19