"Once a year, my African friend told me. My tribe cuts hair once a year. Scruffy fellow, seemed sincere, and the yearly haircut thing seemed like an interesting cultural element. I joined them in the once yearly hair cutting thing, and looked scruffy for awhile before I found out he was talking about sheep hair. Sheep shearing. My Swahili leaves a lot to be desired." ~ stupid joke, of course

We're connected to some effective aid organizations in eastern and western Africa if you'd like an introduction. Drop us a note.World Vision tops the list of world-changers and help-bringers. They invest years in the community, learning and helping where it's needed. The Salvation Army is also among the most effective crisis-assistance organizations. Do the research. The large-scale, top-down development programs often fall short of the intended goals. Community-based efforts like the WV model are well managed and continually refined to meet the need and make a way forward.